Registration of companies is regulated by various legal acts, but since 2004 January 1 the Register of Legal Entities (hereinafter the Register ) began its activity, the purpose of which is to register legal entities and to collect, systematize, store and provide information and data about them. The register was established in order to simplify the registration, to ensure the publicity of data and documents and to guarantee adequate protection of the interests of third parties. The state company Registru centras performs the function of managing the Register.
> It is important to know about the name of the legal entity ( LINK ) and the possibility to use the search system ( LINK )
> Brief introductory information on business establishment procedures: LINK
> Memorandum of the Center of Registers for legal entities (registration, de-registration, data change, submitted documents and procedure): LINK
After deciding to establish a company and choosing the appropriate legal form of the company, you must register it in the Register. You can do this in 2 ways:
You can find the registry center branch in Mazeikiai at the address V. Burbos st. 3 ( working hours )